Please make sure to read and become familiar with our Terms of sale, we know it is a bit of long read, but feel it may help answer questions you might have.
Reserving a Kid
We require a $100 deposit on all doe and buck kids to hold.
We do not hold any animal without a deposit.
Please contact us either by phone or email to confirm the availability before sending a deposit. We accept e-transfer
A reservation will not be made without a deposit and a reservation is accepted in the order in which payment is received. Please provide 1st and 2nd choice.
Prices listed on this website are for pre-ordered kids only. Prices are subject to change on kids that are not pre-ordered.
We reserve the right to retain a reserved animal for herd replacement, deposit will be refunded. If your kid of choice is not born or if the animal does not meet our standards of quality, your deposit may be transferred to another choice only if available, or carried over to the following year, or refunded.
Deposits are not refundable on cancelled orders.
Once you are notified that your choice of kid is born, payment in full is due within 10 days. Arrangements should made for transport/pickup when notified the choice of kid(s) is available. We only ship out of Nanaimo Regional Airport YCD or Comox Valley Airport - YQQ . All flights must be arranged around our schedule.
Buyer is responsible for all shipping costs which includes but is not limited to; shipping fees, shipping crate and health papers, vet fees associated with any testing and testing fees.
We dam raise our kids as we feel this gives them the best possible start, kids are ready to go when weaned around 3 months old. Arrangements may be made to bottle fed kids that are to be shipped at a younger age to take advantage of lower air fare. There will be a $50 charge for bottling feeding until the kids is 4 weeks old at which time they must shipped or and extra $4 a day will be charged for board. The $50 bottling feeding charge must be paid in full before the kid is born and is no-refundable if order is cancelled after kids is born. The $50 bottle feeding fee will be refunded on orders that are cancelled before the kids is born.
Due to their welfare we prefer that two kids be ordered to ensure they have buddy, we offer a $37.50 discount per kid if two or more are purchased together.
We will register and transfer papers once payment in full is received and animal is picked up.
Animal(s) are in good health at the date of sale, and that same should breed if provided with the proper care, environment, and nutrition, Seller makes no other guarantees or warranties, either expressed or implied.
Responsibilities for the animal(s) transfer from Seller to Buyer, once above mentioned animal(s) leaves the sellers property. Any claims by Buyer, contesting breeding soundness of the animal(s) must be fully substantiated by a physical examination and applicable medical tests performed by a licensed veterinarian and provided in writing to the Seller. Buyer responsible for all veterinarian costs incurred in obtaining such examination and tests.
Reserving a Kid
We require a $100 deposit on all doe and buck kids to hold.
We do not hold any animal without a deposit.
Please contact us either by phone or email to confirm the availability before sending a deposit. We accept e-transfer
A reservation will not be made without a deposit and a reservation is accepted in the order in which payment is received. Please provide 1st and 2nd choice.
Prices listed on this website are for pre-ordered kids only. Prices are subject to change on kids that are not pre-ordered.
We reserve the right to retain a reserved animal for herd replacement, deposit will be refunded. If your kid of choice is not born or if the animal does not meet our standards of quality, your deposit may be transferred to another choice only if available, or carried over to the following year, or refunded.
Deposits are not refundable on cancelled orders.
Once you are notified that your choice of kid is born, payment in full is due within 10 days. Arrangements should made for transport/pickup when notified the choice of kid(s) is available. We only ship out of Nanaimo Regional Airport YCD or Comox Valley Airport - YQQ . All flights must be arranged around our schedule.
Buyer is responsible for all shipping costs which includes but is not limited to; shipping fees, shipping crate and health papers, vet fees associated with any testing and testing fees.
We dam raise our kids as we feel this gives them the best possible start, kids are ready to go when weaned around 3 months old. Arrangements may be made to bottle fed kids that are to be shipped at a younger age to take advantage of lower air fare. There will be a $50 charge for bottling feeding until the kids is 4 weeks old at which time they must shipped or and extra $4 a day will be charged for board. The $50 bottling feeding charge must be paid in full before the kid is born and is no-refundable if order is cancelled after kids is born. The $50 bottle feeding fee will be refunded on orders that are cancelled before the kids is born.
Due to their welfare we prefer that two kids be ordered to ensure they have buddy, we offer a $37.50 discount per kid if two or more are purchased together.
We will register and transfer papers once payment in full is received and animal is picked up.
Animal(s) are in good health at the date of sale, and that same should breed if provided with the proper care, environment, and nutrition, Seller makes no other guarantees or warranties, either expressed or implied.
Responsibilities for the animal(s) transfer from Seller to Buyer, once above mentioned animal(s) leaves the sellers property. Any claims by Buyer, contesting breeding soundness of the animal(s) must be fully substantiated by a physical examination and applicable medical tests performed by a licensed veterinarian and provided in writing to the Seller. Buyer responsible for all veterinarian costs incurred in obtaining such examination and tests.