We have raised Light Sussex and Coronation Sussex for many years now. They are our favorite birds! It is always hard to get the amazing lavender color of the coronation Sussex in a photo. We have both LS and Coronation roosters and and many LS and Coronation hens, plus many spilt to coronation. We worked with tree lines to ensure genetic diversity.
Not only are they our best winter layers but they produce an amazing eating bird as well. Nothing has come close to the flavor of LS, they really do marble well and produce a firm yet tender meat even if over cooked! They do like to go broody in the summer, which in our mind is a bonus. We have four year old breeding stock still running at 100% fertility and 100% hatch rate. Talk about sustainable food security! We offer hatching eggs at certain times of the year. Please email us to get on our preferred list and access to our online store for hatching when they are available. Our birds normally run 100% fertility and and close to if not right at 100% hatch rate at home. We have shipped all over Canada with fantastic hatching rate success. |